Reedham Children's Trust has established partnerships with a number of state and independent boarding schools.  We will work with parents, carers and the child together with other professionals to identify a school which meets the child's needs. 

We know that for a lot of families the idea of boarding might be new and take some thinking about. We are happy to start the initial discussions, and if we think the family circumstances are such that we are likely to accept the referral, we will work with the family to explore the idea further e.g. visit potential schools.

Frequently Asked Questions

At what age are children accepted? We will consider referrals for children of any age as long as a suitable school placement can be found. However, the younger the child, the more robust evidence will be sought from professionals to be sure that separation from main parents/carers is the right intervention at this time. There is some thought that the natural transition points e.g. year 7, year 9 are good times for a child to take up a boarding place.

What types of children/young people make the most suitable referrals?

The children/young people most likely to benefit from a boarding school place as an intervention are those who: 

  • demonstrate resilience, despite their difficult home circumstances
  • are open to considering the idea of boarding as a possible intervention
  • do not have major behavioural difficulties (although children with behavioural difficulties clearly linked to their home environment can do well in the right boarding placement)
  • are average, or above average, in terms of academic ability

What other financial help is available?

Reedham may be able to help with travel and small items of equipment in some circumstances. There are other organisations that may be able to provide assistance

I am a grandparent looking after my grandchild/children, would we qualify for help?


My child goes to day school.  Will Reedham help with the fees?

Reedham only helps with boarding fees as we help families where the social need for boarding is pressing.

My child is already in Year 8/9. Can Reedham help us?

We consider any application that meets our criteria, whatever the age of the child.

I live with my partner. Will I still qualify for help?

Yes as long as you fit Reedham's other criteria.

My child has special needs. Would Reedham help him/her go to a special needs boarding school?

Where a child is eligible for an education, health and social plan or has a statement/SEN we would consider assistance but would not take over local authority statutory duty.

I believe that I might only need help for a year or so (eg parental illness). Would Reedham help in this situation?


We can no longer afford the school fees. Would Reedham consider us?

No.  Reedham only helps on the basis of social need not purely financial need.